Wednesday, September 20, 2017


StP Mayoral Forums to Meet ALL of the Candidates

Here is a list of opportunities to meet all of the candidates running for Saint Paul mayor. I find it interesting how much road improvements are occurring on the Eastside just before this election. A forum is occurring this Friday at Metro State U! Friday, Sept. 22nd, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m., Student Senate forum, Metro State Univ., Great Hall, 1st Floor 651-793-1554 Tuesday, Sept. 26th, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., SHA/GABA Forum, Mount Zion Temple, 1300 Summit Ave Wednesday, Sept. 27th, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., LOWV Forum, Hallie Q. Brown Center, 270 Kent St Tuesday, Oct. 3rd, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., Mac Dems, Macalester College, John B. Davis Lecture Hall SHAME ON ROSENBERG Wed., Oct. 4th, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m., HIV/AIDS Forum, Mn AIDS Project, 2577 Territorial Rd Thurs., Oct. 5th, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., Youth Forum, Mt. Airy Boys & Girls Club, 690 Jackson St Sat., Oct. 7th, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m., Unidos Votamos, Wellstone Center, Neighborhood House, 179 E. Robie Mon., Oct. 9th, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., Downtown Forum, History Theater, 30 10th St E Tues., Oct. 10th, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., LOWV Forum, Neighborhood House, 179 E. Robie Wed., Oct. 11th, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., LOWV Forum, Highland Park Sr. High, 1015 Snelling Ave S Sun., Oct 15th, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m., Isaiah Mayoral Forum, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, 285 Dale St N Tues., Oct. 17th, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., LOWV Forum, Minnesota Humanities Center, 987 Ivy Ave E Thurs., Nov. 2nd, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., Saint Anthony Park Forum, Murray Middle School, 2200 Buford Ave
20h ago · 21 neighborhoods in General
St. Paul
Mayor (St. Paul)
Candidate NamePartyWebsiteFile Date
Sharon AndersonNonpartisanwww.sharon4mayor2018.blogspot.com8/1/2017
Melvin CarterNonpartisanwww.melvincarter.org8/1/2017
Trahern CrewsNonpartisan
Elizabeth A. DickinsonNonpartisanwww.elizabethdickinson.org8/8/2017
Tom GoldsteinNonpartisanwww.tomforsaintpaul.com8/15/2017
Pat HarrisNonpartisanwww.patharrisformayor.com8/1/2017
Chris HolbrookNonpartisanwww.lowertaxeschris.wordpress.com8/15/2017
Holden HoldenNonpartisanholden4mayor.com8/7/2017
Dai ThaoNonpartisanwww.daithao.org8/9/2017
Barnabas Joshua YshuaNonpartisan


Thursday, September 7, 2017

City Council on 2017-09-06- . Public Hearings at 5:30 p.m. - Sep 6th, 2017

City Council on 2017-09-06 3:30 PM - Budget Amendment Public Hearings at 3:30 p.m. Public Hearings at 5:30 p.m. - Sep 6th, 2017

                Item 60 Jenifer Snavely getting Kicked out of her Home via Death of her Mother at 475 Ashland  Witch Hunt now Homeless City and these Rotten DSI Inspectors must be held Accountable   Running for Mayor to Abate these Heinous Issues 

CityStPaulvsJeniferSnavely HOMELESS

   Thurs. 7Sept2017
       Legal Notice to County Attry John Choi, City Attorney Samuel Clark, and Mayor Chris Coleman.
 To create Homeless is Bizzare without Just Compensation on Disabled Jenifer Snavely 275 Ashland St. Paul,MN
                                Witch Hunt via City 0fficials
                          Vacating Homesteads via Death,Disability,Disparagment of Titles.,
                     ' I believe it is more Safe than sleeping on the Streets: ie
                 FOR GODS SAKE candidates for Mayor must intervene
        Stark  the City is Self Insured

                          Vacating Homesteads via Death,Disability,Disparagment of Titles.,
                     ' I believe it is more Safe than sleeping on the Streets: ie
                 FOR GODS SAKE candidates for Mayor must intervene
        Stark  the City is Self Insured
                             Duly Concerned re Health,Safety,Welfare of Jenifer Snavely
et al  No 60 on Agenda Wed.6Sept2017 living 15 yrs at 575 Ashland.
                          Who in the Hell was the name of Bldg Inspector also Vehicle Abatement.
                           Has Marcia Mormound Residence unk acting Heinously
 contrary to ADA Act.
                          Kicking persons out of their Home to live on the Streets has become Bizzare.  Jenifer stated she has a Brain Trauma. her significant Other Charles
                          If the City is vacating Disabled Homesteaders then pay JUST COMPENSATION,
                          Daio Thoa candidate for Mayor
                        should be Ashamed this case is similar to Affiants
ADA lawsuits hitting St. Paul restaurants from Mickey's to Red's                         

                             Duly Concerned re Health,Safety,Welfare of Jenifer Snavely
et al  No 60 on Agenda Wed.6Sept2017 living 15 yrs at 575 Ashland.
                          Who in the Hell was the name of Bldg Inspector also Vehicle Abatement.
                           Has Marcia Mormound Residence unk acting Heinously
 contrary to ADA Act.
                          Kicking persons out of their Home to live on the Streets has become Bizzare.  Jenifer stated she has a Brain Trauma. her significant Other Charles
                          If the City is vacating Disabled Homesteaders then pay JUST COMPENSATION,
                          Daio Thoa candidate for Mayor
                        should be Ashamed this case is similar to Affiants
ADA lawsuits hitting St. Paul restaurants from Mickey's to Red's                         

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